Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Language Family Map

I absolutely love this language tree that shows which languages are related and how they are connected to one another.  Click the Hyperlink for a full-sized, enlargeable image.

What Do Countries Call Themselves?

This topic often comes up when we learn the French names for different countries.  "Why don't they just call it Germany?" I'm asked.  Well... Why don't we all just call it Deutschland?

This map shows the names of countries as they're called in the dominant language of that country. The word for this concept is "endonym".  What many English-speakers-- or perhaps users of the Roman/Latin alphabet in general-- may not realize is that spelling and pronunciation are not the only differences between our names for countries and their own endonyms.

If you like maps, geography, or are interested in other languages, this article is for you.  Be sure to navigate to the original source as well.

Ibeyi: French-Cuban Music

These Cuban twins were raised in France, sing in English (at least in this clip), and somehow manage to blend it all.  Click the hyperlink to visit KEXP's brief article and watch a studio session with the duo.  Definitely worth a listen.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Why is English Spelling so Weird?

This is a great explanation about why English spelling is so weird, some of which has to do with French.