You may not know it, but French is everywhere in our culture. It's in our language, music, television shows, movies, commercials... it's really everywhere. The thing is, once you know what to look and listen for, French will start popping up in the least likely places. I want you to always be listening for French. And since I live under a pop-culture rock, I would like you to be my ears and my eyes. You know what you like, you know what interests you, and you know what interests your peers. So, here's what I'm asking you to do: when you find something French, share it here. Consider this page a place where you can post all of the fun French things you find on the internet, radio, and TV. Who knows, you may find something new that you love, like this music video that another student shared with me earlier this year.
Here's how this will work: Every time that you post something new that you have found (related to French, France, or francophone culture AND school appropriate!), you will earn extra credit. Once every two weeks, you will check out one of the links someone has shared and make a comment with your reaction. On Fridays, I will pull this site up on the projector, and as a class you can vote for the link you would like to view, listen to, or read.
This music video comes from a TV show called Flight of the Conchords about two musicians from New Zealand who move to the United States. One of the men wants to impress a girl working in a cafe by speaking French to her. It turns into a very silly fantasy where they use a lot of basic, French I conversation and vocabulary.